
- 2 mins


This core Espresso dependency is included by default when you make a new Android project. It contains the basic testing code for most views and actions on them.

Turn off animations

Espresso tests run on a real device and thus are instrumentation tests by nature. One issue that arises is animations: If an animation lags and you try to test if a view is on screen, but it’s still animating, Espresso can accidentally fail a test. This can make Espresso tests flaky.

For Espresso UI testing, it’s best practice to turn animations off (also your test will run faster!):

  1. On your testing device, go to Settings > Developer options.
  2. Disable these three settings: Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale.

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Look at an Espresso test

Before you write an Espresso test, take a look at some Espresso code.


What this statement does is find the checkbox view with the id task_detail_complete_checkbox, clicks it, then asserts that it is checked.

The majority of Espresso statements are made up of four parts:


onView is an example of a static Espresso method that starts an Espresso statement. onView is one of the most common ones, but there are other options, such as onData.


withId is an example of a ViewMatcher which gets a view by its ID. There are other view matchers which you can look up in the documentation.


The perform method which takes a ViewAction. A ViewAction is something that can be done to the view, for example here, it’s clicking the view.


check which takes a ViewAssertion. ViewAssertions check or asserts something about the view. The most common ViewAssertion you’ll use is the matches assertion. To finish the assertion, use another ViewMatcher, in this case isChecked.

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